team blog

Using the 5 Pillars of Global Collaboration to Increase Community Impact

Using the 5 Pillars of Global Collaboration to Increase Community Impact

By: Dr. Eli Mercer
Published on: 06/30/2024

At Kingdom Ecosystems, LLC, we use the 5 Pillars of Global Collaboration framework and toolset to guide and inform collaborative leaders and help them to work together across sectors for shared results.

Community Impact
KE Workshops: Scaling Deep for Sustainable Kingdom Impact

KE Workshops: Scaling Deep for Sustainable Kingdom Impact

By: Dr. Eli Mercer
Published on: 06/13/2024

Our fall event is an annual day of workshops and deep-dive engagement with our core stakeholders.

Kingdom Impact
We Build Community to Help Leaders Maximize Impact

We Build Community to Help Leaders Maximize Impact

By: Dr. Eli Mercer
Published on: 12/01/2023

At Kingdom Ecosystems, LLC, we build community to help leaders maximize impact. We work closely with leaders and influencers from all walks of life to design and execute impact projects to move the needle on society’s greatest challenges.

Kingdom Impact

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