KE Workshops: Scaling Deep for Sustainable Kingdom Impact
Our fall event is an annual day of workshops and deep-dive engagement with our core stakeholders.
The primary goals are to:
Showcase the skills and training and practical how-to’s in our network.
Provide easy on-ramps for engagement ($) and demonstrate how folks can get involved on a practical level (time, talent, resources) with each KE partnership.
Equip the Saints in our emerging Kingdom Ecosystem to collaborate, measure, and report out on the impact they are having in their communities.
This event will be from 9am-5pm, with breakfast and registration starting at 8am.
With 4 confirmed workshops this year:
KE Team
Unite DFW
Collaborative Conversations
The Family Reformation Project
Go here to register for the event:
Have questions or want to connect before the workshops? Shoot us an email at:
The KE Team