team blog

Global Exchange Trip - Turkey

Global Exchange Trip - Turkey

By: Jake Jordan
Published on: 08/21/2024

Kingdom Ecosystems invites you to join us on our 2024 Global Exchange Trip to Instanbul, Turkey and the modern-day cities of the Seven Churches of Revelation.  We will connect with leaders, entrepreneurs and NGO’s throughout the region and explore opportunities for global partnership.

Kingdom ImpactGlobal Exchange
Love Your Neighbor as Yourself

Love Your Neighbor as Yourself

By: Jake Jordan
Published on: 08/14/2024

The amount of opportunities to serve is often overwhelming to me. With 401 non-profits in JUST my zip code, where do you start?

Kingdom Impact
Walk a Mile in Another's Shoes

Walk a Mile in Another's Shoes

By: Jake Jordan
Published on: 08/12/2024

Juan had lost his left foot. It was an accident at work and he could no longer find a job. No one would take on his injury. But he had a child at home to feed. What should he do next?

Kingdom Impact
Marty Was The Envy of All the Guys in 6th Grade

Marty Was The Envy of All the Guys in 6th Grade

By: Jake Jordan
Published on: 07/23/2024

He ran fast, had a big smile, was smooth with the ladies, and told GREAT stories. It didn’t matter what Marty talked about he had an audience.

Kingdom Impact

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