Help is Close to the Broken-Hearted
Do you know how many no-profits exist in your zip code?
Not your state.
Not your city.
Just your community?
I didn’t either.
There are 40 non-profits registered in my zipcode, in my little slice of Grapevine, Tx.

40 groups committed to serving people in need and despair! Can you believe that many people are dedicated to my own area’s well-being and flourishing?
It convicts my heart.
What could we be doing for this area if we all had a conversation? What issue are we working on that could be crushed if we took the time to shake hands or hugs?
A lot could happen.
I encourage you to go Google your zip code and see who is already out there working.
Then take a step. Any step the Lord puts on your heart.
Here’s to being convicted to bless our own neighborhoods!
For more Information contact [email protected]