team blog

Help is Close to the Broken-Hearted

Help is Close to the Broken-Hearted

By: Jake Jordan
Published on: 07/10/2024

Do you know how many no-profits exist in your zip code? Not your state. Not your city. Just your community?

Kingdom Impact
Collaborate for Better Content

Collaborate for Better Content

By: Jake Jordan
Published on: 06/06/2024

Do you ever struggle knowing how to create content for your cause or movement? You are not alone.

Kingdom Impact
Don't Re-Invent the Wheel

Don't Re-Invent the Wheel

By: Jake Jordan
Published on: 05/22/2024

Last year I had a problem with chasing people. Not physically chasing people – that would be weird 😉 Chasing people in the sales process.

Kingdom Impact

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