Washing Feet
“We gladly wash the feet of anyone who walks through our door. In serving them, we are blessed to get to know them. As we develop a relationship, new friendships are forged and potential is unleashed. What a blessing!” – Dr. Eli Mercer, CEO of Kingdom Ecosystems
Jesus Revolution and the Story of the Washing of the Feet
In the recent movie, Jesus Revolution, there is a poignant scene of feet being washed. Prior to this moment, religious leaders were concerned their carpet being soiled because of the people coming in with no shoes and dirty feet. The leader of the church took a humble, practical approach and washed the feet of every person entering his church. In doing so, it opened the door literally and figuratively to an incredible move of God in revival.
The Significance of Washing Feet
Washing feet may not be a common occurrence or something we have ever physically done for someone else. Culturally it can be a sign of honor or respect to wash feet or remove shoes before entering a home. Back in Jesus’ time, it was an incredible act of humility, as the least of servants would wash the filthy feet of guests before they entered a dwelling. It was the lowest physical posture one could assume to wash someone’s feet. Yet when Jesus washed the feet of His followers, He tore down assumptions and expectations, defying cultural etiquette. He broke down the barriers of human expectations to meet human need.
Engaging and Serving People Where They Are
There are no pedestals or platforms when feet are being washed. Our heart posture is completely emptied of self, and we can only look up at the ones we are serving. There may be no water or towel involved, but rather a schedule that is interrupted, a conversation to share insight, pausing to see the one, or praying with someone God highlights. Maybe it’s giving up a seat at the table, meeting a need, or partnering with one outside of our comfort zone. May we be honored to do so.
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#kingdomecosystems, #impactfirst, #footwashing, #servicetoothers, #love