Unleash Your Kingdom Dreams
One of Kingdom Ecosystem’s 12 Founding Principles is that
“We are ambassadors of hope.”
One of my favorite things to do is have conversations with kingdom minded individuals who have unrealized dreams that the Lord has planted in them.
Many of them are fearful about taking next steps or don’t have any idea what those next steps are.
Many have simply allowed fear or lack of self-confidence to rob them of the courage to take action.
It’s an honor to be used by the Lord to re-kindle those dreams and instill confidence in these precious people who want to fulfill what God has called them to do.
If you have unrealized dreams let me encourage you that it is NEVER too late!
If you’re still breathing, God has a good plan for you and his plans are irrevocable. (Romans 11:29)
Someone is waiting on the other side of your obedience so do something that moves you in the direction of your dreams.
Many people I talk to struggle with the how of getting started…they analyze it too much and never take action. Or they aren’t really sure what to do first.
I heard a quote from Carl Jung recently
“If the path before you is clear, you’re probably on someone else’s.”
Rich Litvin, author of The Prosperous Coach says
“Stop waiting for clarity. Clarity can be useful before you begin. But you don’t need it. Take one tiny step. And then the next. And then the next. You’ll be surprised at what you accomplish.”
Do you have kingdom dreams deep inside your heart that need to be re-kindled?
Email me at [email protected]
It would be an honor to help you make those dreams a reality.
#Kingdomecosytems #impactfirstventures #foundingprinciples