team blog

FDE Invite

FDE Invite

By: Jake Jordan
Published on: 08/27/2024

Join us for our fall workshops event and bring your faith driven friends with you!

Community Impact
Hope Center - Christian Organizations Collaborating Under One Roof

Hope Center - Christian Organizations Collaborating Under One Roof

By: Chris Bankus
Published on: 07/20/2024

In the heart of Plano, Texas, The Hope Center stands as a beacon of collaboration and impact within the Christian community.

Community Impact
Using the 5 Pillars of Global Collaboration to Increase Community Impact

Using the 5 Pillars of Global Collaboration to Increase Community Impact

By: Dr. Eli Mercer
Published on: 06/30/2024

At Kingdom Ecosystems, LLC, we use the 5 Pillars of Global Collaboration framework and toolset to guide and inform collaborative leaders and help them to work together across sectors for shared results.

Community Impact
Advancing the Kingdom Through DFW Business

Advancing the Kingdom Through DFW Business

By: Jake Jordan
Published on: 05/16/2024

Are you concerned with the spiritual direction of our community and our nation? That begs the question – if the people of Dallas/Fort Worth aren’t engaging with the Church, and don’t see the Bible as the source of truth, where will they encounter the Gospel?

Community Impact

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